A Meditation on Phelps Lake (Lawrence S. Rokefeller Preserve)

A Meditation on Phelps Lake

A feather floats on Phelps Lake-
a cradle of light
rocking with the breeze.

Wind speaks through pines.
Light animates granite.
An Eagle soars – its shadow crosses over us.

All life is intertwined.

We see the Great Peaks
mirrored in water-


Reflection Leads us to restoration.

Nature quiets the mind
by engaging with an intelligence
larger than our own.

Mindful of different ways of being,
Our awareness as a species shifts-

We recognize the soul of the land as our own.

The path of wisdom invites us
to walk with a humble heart

recognizing the dance
between diversity and unity,
action and restraint.

The Scales of Nature
will always seek equilibrium
A feather can tip the balance.

Terry Tempest Williams
National Park Service

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