Săn-dtì pâap (สันติภาพ) Peace

Now reaching the halfway mark in my Yoga teacher training program. I have chosen Prana Yoga which uses chakra sound vibrations and basic breathing techniques which are practiced during the yoga poses. The sounds associated with the chakras if chanted during a yoga pose are an amazing way to further center both mind, body and spririt. It is being grounded in the present moment, to feel each asana both in a strong and light way at the same time.

When I first started the training I really never “felt” anything when chanting the vowel or bij (seed) sounds associated with each chakra but now I feel them very strongly.

Here is what I know: there are seven main or energy centers (chakras) in the body and I am working on the one associated with the throat. Vishudda which is the chakra of self-expression and for me, asking or communications around what I think and want. Sounds simple but it is not.

Accessing the courage RAM,RAM,RAM! to ask for what I need and want!

Namaste! Om Shanti.


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