“10 For 2010” Critical Needs for Nalamdana

My dear friend and the head of Nalamdana, Nitha Balaji wrote:

” Dear Friends of Nalamdana,
I am writing to tell you about an exciting campaign called “10 for 2010.” As you know, Nalamdana works with limited funding and squeezes maximum benefit out of every dollar, pound or euro. As we look ahead at our plans for the next few years, there are 10 items we’ve put on our Wish List…that are vital to the success of our organization, and we are hoping you can help us raise the money in 2010 to afford them… You will find that the items on the list have a wide range, from a sponsorship of a live, village (drama) performance, to a scholarship for children of HIV +ve women.
Consider the option of co-sponsoring an item as a group, with friends or family members. We also encourage you to tell those in your social network about Nalamdana’s work and the volunteer opportunities it offers”
If you are based in the US, tax deductible donations may be made through Friends of Nalamdana, which is registered as a 501(c) (3), not-for-profit organization. Please mail your checks, made payable to me @ Beth Weinstein (Vice President FON) 207 w. 98th st. nyc 10025 or to:
Friends of Nalamdana
c/o Karina H. Corrigan, (Treasurer)
14 Curtis Street,
Salem, MA 01970

Here are some of the ones I think are most impactful!
School scholarship for the children of HIV+ women at the GHTM hospital $111 per child, per year*Nalamdana currently educates and counsels HIV+ women at the GHTM hospital. Nalamdana recognizes that the future of their children is top priority for these women. Sending their children to school would ease the minds of the patients, improving their health and Nalamdana’s ability to counsel and support them.

2. 10 Body microphones for more effective productions (to be worn by actors in outdoor performances).$3,400 Easier for hospital patients, schoolchildren and village attendees to hear the important messages woven throughout the public health productions

3. Theater Performance: Villlage setting these are amazing I have attended them in 2003 and again right after the Tsunami! (ex. HIV/AIDS, female infanticide, alcoholism) $555
*Live performance in the village setting was the original vehicle for Nalamdana, blending entertainment and education. The average village performance draws a crowd of 800 attendees. Live theater is the ideal way to raise topics that are taboo to discuss publicly, allowing people to learn from the lives of the characters and apply the new knowledge to their own lives.

4. Performances in Schools (example: on sexual abuse, hygiene, child rights, etc.) $256 per show Rs. 12,000/- per show

5. 5-day Theater Workshop (example: a workshop for HIV+ Sex Workers ) $534 for trainer’s fees and materials alone. The participants are given a safe space to be creative while receiving health and safety messages, as well as self-empowerment.

I will post more in the near future… think about what your dollars can bring. Truly an organization making a difference every day!

Thanks for endulging me and supporting my friends and colleagues!

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